
The Secretariat and main venue are located at:

Vejlby-Risskov Idrætscenter, Vejlby Centervej 51-53, 8240 Risskov

Courts are also located around Aarhus N, see details on the map.

Map to find the VIA Gym

Local transportation

We advise you to use rejseplanen (also in English and German) to find the best possible local transport from the train station to the venue. Bus number 16 is leaving from Aarhus Central Station to Vejlby-Risskov Idrætscenter. It takes approx. 20 minutes.

If you need special shuttle service from Aarhus, it can be arranged, you just need to contact us as soon as possible to make arrangements.

Shuttlebus during the Festival

We provide busses between the schools and gyms. A detailed plan will be available before the Festival.



The bus stop at Vejlby-Risskov Idrætscenter is at the large parking lot.

Please note that the last busses driving on Saturday from the schools (Ellevang+Vorrevang) are at 09.00!